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The book shows that the wave of cities across the world rejecting privatisation is far bigger and more successful than anyone thought. After having previous focused on the powerful wave of water remunicipalisation, we have with this book extended our focus to look into other public services as well, such as energy, transport, health care…
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Projeto que permite a concessão de serviços de água e esgoto na Capital mobilizou nove ex-diretores do departamento Enviado pela prefeitura à Câmara, o projeto que permite a concessão de serviços de água e esgoto em Porto Alegre para a iniciativa privada provocou uma manifestação conjunta de nove ex-diretores do Departamento Municipal de Água…
Xalapa, Ver.- El ayuntamiento de Tlapacoyan fue declarado como un municipio libre de cualquier proyecto de explotación hidroeléctrica, minera, fractura hidráulica y demás proyectos lesivos al medio ambiente y que carezcan del consentimiento de los ciudadanos mediante consulta libre e informada. En sesión de cabildo celebrada el pasado 15 de marzo, sus integrantes, el presidente…
Cancún, QR. El titular de la Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor (Profeco), Ricardo Sheffield Padilla, anunció que hará un seguimiento minucioso a la operación de la concesionaria de agua potable Aguakan, por la irregularidad en el otorgamiento de la concesión y las numerosas quejas de los usuarios. Explicó que la concesionaria de agua potable ocupa el…
In 2001, in Brazil, there was an intensive fight against the privatization of water and sanitation, where the Brazilian people were the winner. The federal government initiated the attempt with proposed legislation. Trade unions, city mayors, Deputy Chamber, NGOs, corporations, community organizations, the Church and other instances of the civil society successfully resisted this legislation,…